November 2009

Cloudywithachanceofmeatballs_200903271022 Lawabidingcitizen_200908111655 Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing "Law Abiding Citizen" and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" the week of Friday, November 6 through Thursday, November 12, with a free showing of "The Lives of Others" on Thursday. See below for movie times. See the Nugget website for trailers and previews.

"Law Abiding Citizen" stars Jamie Foxx as an assistant DA who accepts a plea bargain from a killer in order to convict the murderer's accomplice. Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) witnessed the killing of his wife and daughter and takes matters into his own hands when the killer is released fro prison after ten years. That's when things get interesting. Rated R for violence.

[click "Play" to listen to Walter Wright talk about community leadership] Now and again, Telluriders play nice, achieving our goals through a sense of common purpose. The day (Saturday, October 24) is a shining example of mutual efforts succeeding big...

[click "Play" to listen to Susan's interview with Lauren Metzger]

Yaa09 Picasso famously said: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

For eight years, Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts has honored regional – students – Telluride, Ridgway, Ouray, Norwood, Nucla, Naturita and Dolores, public, private and home-schooled ––  for  creativity and interest in the arts through an annual Youth Art Awards program.

[click "Play to hear Susan's conversation with Andrea Benda]

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Andrea Benda (r) with friend and
council colleague, Lulu Hunt

Retiring Telluride councilwoman Andrea Benda spends a great deal of time wandering around a cemetery. She is not maudlin. She has nothing to bury, not even a hatchet, because she long ago she made peace with all her council colleagues. Telluride's Lone Tree Cemetery is simply one of the stops on the town tours her company, Explore Telluride!, offers.

Andrea Benda holds a degree in Library Science from James Madison University. After graduation, she worked in the Chicago suburbs as a media specialist in elementary schools until she and her then husband Terry, now deceased, moved to Telluride and ran the Ore Station Lodge as an inn, handling everything from taking reservations to cleaning toilets. Not being afraid to get her hands dirty was probably good training for the Telluride Town Council.

Up in the air has several meanings for Telluride's "Glider Bob" Saunders, who has gotten lots of practice  just idling his engines. Glider Bob is one of the candidates running for re-election to Telluride's Town Council, so tonight he awaits election results. After...

Last year, the sunrise on el Dia de los Muertos was nothing short of magical. I awoke in morning twilight to the turquoise blues, deep crimson and pumpkin orange of an Indian Summer dawn. Slowly, a gigantic, ominous cloud began forming above the eastern...

Img006 Telluride has lost another dear friend. Stephen Wald died last Thursday, October 22, 2009. I met Stephen nearly a quarter century ago, and my life has been better for knowing him. Our lives crossed in a number of ways besides our friendship. Stephen was a major force in the Telluride Adaptive Sports Program, where I have taught for ten years. When I was too late to register to run in the 1995 New York Marathon, Stephen made a few calls and I got in. The only quid pro quo was that I support a charity that was important to Stephen.

Stephen has been a friend of Susan's even longer than I have, through connections from her earlier life in New York. That we both knew Stephen from different paths was a wonderful surprise in our early time together.

Our hearts go out to Sheila, Alison, and Alex, and to all who will miss our friend. TIO is honored to publish Stephen's obituary below.

Trio Solisti with Ayano Ninomiya, violin; David Harding, viola

In June, the Telluride Musicfest celebrates eight years in town performing chamber music concerts in a private home. The artistic director of the Telluride Musicfest is the bravura violinist Maria Bachmann of the Trio Solisti, who razzle-dazzles with her equally gifted colleagues, cellist Alexis Pia Gerlach and pianist Jon Klibonoff.

“...Trio Solisti was consistently brilliant..dangerous and radical…and compelling, " raved The New York Times.

Michael Barrett, artistic director of the top-tier Caramoor Performing Arts Center probably would not argue the point. He has booked the group for the first in a series of concerts in and around New York and Washington over the coming months.