Telluride Ashtanga teacher welcomes her teacher

Telluride Ashtanga teacher welcomes her teacher

[click “Play” to hear Victoria Hoffman speaking with Susan]

St. Barths 355 Tim-padmasana Telluride’s primary Ashtanga teacher, Victoria Hoffman, arrived in town with husband Todd and son Max in 1999. Victoria, a former dancer and model, began practicing yoga as a teenager. She was first exposed to the Ashtanga lineage in 1995, when her teacher was Wayne Kraffner. Since then, Guruji, as Patabhi Jois was known in life, Annie Pace and Tim Miller have been her primary Ashtanga instructors. Miller, the first American certified to teach by Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India, is coming to town for a weekend intensive for all levels of practitioners.

“Not only is Tim Miller teaching asana, his classes also include pranayama or controlled breathing techniques. And Tim has a beautiful way of weaving poetry and astronomy into his practices,” says Victoria.

For further details, check out the Telluride Yoga Center’s website. Click the “play” button to listen to Victoria’s podcast to learn more about her lineage, Ashtanga Yoga, and why an opportunity to study with Tim Miller is so special.

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