Fashion Friday: Annelore

Fashion Friday: Annelore

[click to hear Kristin’s conversation with Susan]

Shot16_018 Shot4_combo Telluride Inside…and Out’s fashion queen, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, is the model for the hip, young designer, Juliana Cho. Cho’s line, Annelore, is for working women who don’t give a second thought to the glass ceiling, because they have carved out their own niche. Annelore customers are smart, sexy, self-confident and resourceful. The clothes, like the women, conform on the surface – but there’s a twist.

Home base for Annelore is a charming little women’s shop near the Meatpacking District in New York’s West Village. The business survived the blight on the neighborhood of indie shops thanks to a loyal following of trend-setting customers, attracted to investment clothes.

Shot21_020 Shot17_054 How to sum up Annelore’s body-conscious creations? Unique, timeless workplace staples with big personalities that easily travel into the night with just a change of accessories.The look is retro, yet now.

For more on Annelore and Cho, click the “play” button and listen to Kristin Holbrook’s podcast.

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