19 Jun Fashion Friday: Tying one on
[click “Play” to hear Kristin Holbrook on scarves]

According to Telluride Inside and Out’s fashion expert, Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts, scarves, classically associated with cold weather, are, the hottest summer fashion accessory and about as glam as it gets. Think anew Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” Marilyn Monroe, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and Sarah Jessica Parker (aka. Carrie) in “Sex and the City.”
More recently, Jennifer Aniston was photographed on the set of her lastest movie, “the baster,” wearing a cashmere silk number by faliero sarti. Other A-list actors and models, including Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon and Heidi Klum, are similarly all wrapped up.
Why scarves for the summer? Kristin says when money is tight, fashionistas get creative. Scarves are a great substitute for pearls, both symbols of classic refinement and charm. And depending on how you tie them, scarves are extremely versatile, worn around the neck for warmth in Telluride or on warmer days and in warmer climates as halter tops, skirts or beach wraps. They are great for air-conditioned restaurants. And Grace Kelly once used a Hermes scarf as a sling. That’s what princesses do – the real kind.
Turns out scarves are also wonderful for mother-child bonding. At our photo shoot, mothers Julie McAfee and Gabby Anstey MacDonald had a ball with their beautiful babes, Reese Trujillo and Lily McDonald. We call the one of Julie and Reese “The Madonna of the Scarves.” We call the other of the two kids just plain adorable.
To learn more about what sorts of great scarves are out there, especially if you are feeling budget conscious, click the “play” button and listen to Kristin’s podcast.
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