
First Wave of films announced for 2018 Telluride Horror Show, October 12–14: “The Witch in the Window,” “Lords of Chaos,” and “Killer Klowns” tribute revealed. Second Wave highlights include “Tigers Are Not Afraid,” “Terrified,” and “The Boat, as well as the short film “MAD GOD” (Part 3) from legendary filmmaker and...

David Holbrooke designed “Original Thinkers,” Thursday, October 4 – Sunday, October 7,  as “a new, highly curated festival that melds speakers, films, and performance into a powerful four-day experience in Telluride.” According to Holbrooke, “The scale of the world’s problems we face feels overwhelming. We’ve...

Telluride’s Palm Complex hosts Denver’s Zikr’s Dance Ensemble’s critically acclaimed “Runes.” The dance takes place Saturday, September 29, 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 for students; $20 for adults; $35 day of performance, available here. Scroll down for a sample of Zikr in action. The word...

Focusing on high-end restorations and vintage and exotic vehicles, the upcoming 4th annual Telluride Festival of Cars & Colors, September 27 –September 30, 2018, is a world-class celebration targeting automobile and aviation aficionados and lifestyle enthusiasts, set against a backdrop of Telluride’s autumnal colors. Bottom line: the Telluride Festival of Cars & Colors...