
Telluride Film Festival‘s Sunday at the Palm  Presents: BEST OF THE NEW YORK INDEPENDENT CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL. Family-friendly event is FREE to all. All kids and kids-at-heart are invited to attend the Telluride Film Festival’s special Sunday at the Palm screening of delightful animated short films...

Telluride Film Festival’s “Sunday at the Palm” series presents Bears (2014). “With its touching story, beautiful scenery, and stunning camerawork, ‘Bears’ becomes another worthwhile documentary in the Disneynature library,” Celebrate Earth Week with Disneynature’s Bears documentary, narrated by John C. Reilly. “In an epic story...

The Telluride Film Festival presents a not-to-be-missed Japanese animated masterpiece at this month’s free community “Sunday at the Palm” screening. Hiroyuki Okiura’s “A LETTER TO MOMO” was hailed as “stunning!” by Variety, and is made possible in part by New York-based distributors, GKids, who work with the Telluride...