
The names are Telluride legends: world-famous actor/singer/songwriter Keith Carradine once lived in town, where, back in the early 1990s, he and his then wife Sandra owned and operated the historic Sheridan Opera House under the auspices of the Sheridan Arts Foundation. For years, one of Keith’s BFFs, Roger Mason has been...

“The MIXX: Burlesque Revealed,” is hosted by Pia Gedeon, owner, MIXX Projects + Atelier. Free gathering is Wednesday March 16, 6 – 8 p.m., 307 East Colorado Avenue. Event features Telluride Theatre’s artistic director Sasha Sullivan, who created annual burlesque shows as a fundraiser for Telluride Theatre, taking place this year next week,...

Yes, we want to live in the moment. But no, this can’t wait. This summer, the Telluride American Songbook Concert Series is offering two workshops, one on songwriting and another for singing. (Details below.) For adults wanting to attend, but in need of financial assistance, you can...