
Sarah Jarosz is a bluegrass multi-instramentalist, singer and songwriter whose first CD, Song Up in Her Head, was released by Sugar Hill Records on June 16, 2009. She was nominated for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Country Instrumental Performance for the track...

Keller Williams is an American musician from Fredericksburg, Virginia,  who began performing in the early 1990s. He is also known by the names K-Dub or just Keller, when performing. Williams’ music combines elements of bluegrass, folk, alternative rock, reggae, electronica/dance, jazz, funk and other assorted...

Langhorne Slim has been tearing up the East Coast with his Holy-roller, bluesy showmanship. The man is a star waiting for the right universe to realize it! “Langhorne Slim expertly walks the line between the sublime and the subterranean At once raucous and reverent, his...

Dan Hicks is an American singer-songwriter working at the intersection of cowboy folk,  jazz, country, swing, bluegrass, pop and gypsy music. He is perhaps best known for the songs “I Scare Myself” and “Canned Music.” His songs are frequently infused with humor, as evidenced by...