The Telluride-based New Community Coalition announced its intention to form a Zero Waste Task Force at Monday’s Intergovernmental Meeting. The group will address the issue of regional Zero Waste goals and what it might take to bring those goals to fruition.

We used to have regular San Miguel County Recycling Task Force meetings, but those haven’t happened for the last few years. With the adoption of Zero Waste goals in the Mountain Village and with numerous calls for composting and questions about recycling, it seems it is time to bring the players together again for discussion and action.

Mountain Village’s Town Council is holding a work session about Zero Waste at its meeting on Thursday. They will review the 2008 Zero Waste Plan prepared by Gary Liss & Associates, a Zero Waste consultant, to consider whether the plan and its recommendations are still relevant.

People want to know what’s going on with recycling in the region. Whether we’re going to have a larger scale community composting operation. Whether recycling really gets “recycled” and more. TNCC envisions the Task Force putting together realistic assessments of what it may take to get to Zero Waste (or darn close), possible timelines, and funding needed to reach milestones.

As a county that has no landfill of its own and has greenhouse gas emission goals to achieve, it behooves us to think long term. Reduce – Reuse – Repair – Recycle – Rethink.

Look for more information about the Zero Waste Task Force coming up in the near future.

And on a final Recycling note – Our dear friend and 2011 THS graduate Charlotte Delpit, pictured here during her Compost Volunteer shift at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival is heading to the White House this week! The Brown University’s Campus Challenge submission (a Community Supported Agriculture- style food share system) ended up in 7th place in the nationwide voting. Though only the top 5 projects will get funding, participants from the top 15 get to make the trip to D.C.

As I told Char over the weekend – I’m so glad THEY will get to meet HER. One of our own – who is changing the world!

You rock, Char!

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