
August 7 to 14, 2014   Visible planets: Morning: Venus                 Evening: Mars, Saturn I have to admit, I’ve been caught up in all the passion and heat of the Leo summer sizzle. And the Leo cross-quarter week super-electromagnetism was just right. A quick trip to Denver...

RE:treat is a relatively new Telluride-based yoga-inspired lifestyle adventure company offering outings (or retreats) in the mountains of Telluride and around the world. Its tagline: “Elevated lifestyle adventures.” RE:treats combines Ashtanga, Forrest and restorative yoga practices and meditation as the company’s core focus. Guests are also offered...

                 July 31 to August 7, 2014 Visible planets: Morning:  Venus                 Evening: Mars, Saturn Here it is, the first week of August in southwestern Colorado. I see the first signs of impending autumn; a golden aspen here and there, blonde streaks and auburn tints...

July 24 to 31, 2014  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus         Evening: Mars, Saturn The Lion, the proud, courageous king – and queen – of beasts. What a perfectly appropriate symbol for the fixed fire sign of Leo, the 5th sign of the tropical zodiac, ruled...

July 17 to 24, 2014     Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus    Evening: Mars, Saturn Giant planet Jupiter, a.k.a. the Greater Benefic, moves from intuitive, feeling-oriented Cancer into creative, action-oriented Leo this week, ending its one-year transit through the zodiac’s first water sign. This event heralds a...