
On Sunday, August 25, 6 p.m., the Telluride Historical Museum is pleased to announce the 6th annual “An Evening with Ken Burns.” This year’s event features a screening of Episode 5, “The Rising Road,” from his series titled “The Roosevelts: An Intimate History.” The evening also...

Telluride Arts announced the recipients of their annual Small Grants for Artists program. Six different artists were awarded a total of $10,149 for various creative endeavors that advance their work. Grant awards will support professional development courses, artist-to-artist workshops, equipment, and materials. Disciplines varied across...

According to Pathfinder International, HIV remains one of the most serious global health threats of our time. In 2017, 1.8 million people were infected with HIV; 940,000 died of AIDS-related causes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S. alone, while the annual number of...