
October 16 to 23, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter    Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn The Moon wanes each night this week, growing progressively smaller and more delicate in the early morning predawn skies. Mental Mercury [now retrograde] and voluptuous Venus pair up in late degree Libra...

October 2 to 9, 2014  Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter   Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn Good news for Moon watchers and star gazers – in the early, predawn hours of Wednesday October 8th the Moon will pass into the Earth’s shadow and the western United States will...

September 25 to October 2, 2014      Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter      Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn The first full week of autumn is upon us. Hello to awesome Indian Summer! I love this time of year. The pulling, poignant beauty of the season hits me deep –...