
Tonight the Telluride Science Research Center hosts Dr. Seth Darling, replacing Dr. Prineha Narang who is unable to attend. Dr. Darling’s talk on water continues the 7-week series of Town Talks presented by TSRC. The event takes place at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 6:30 p.m. Admission is...

The Telluride Science Research Center hosts Dr. Prineha Narang. Her talk, titled “Quantum Engineering, One Atom at a Time” continues the 7-week series of Town Talks presented by TSRC. The event takes place at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 6:30 p.m. Admission is free; cash bar opens at...

The Telluride Science Research Center hosts Nobel Prize-winner Sir Fraser Stoddart. His talk, titled “Molecular Machines” continues a 7-week series of Town Talks presented by TSRC. The event takes place at the Telluride Conference Centerin Mountain Village on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 6:30 p.m. Admission is free; cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m....

The ​Telluride Science Research Center​ hosts Professor Nancy Levinger of Colorado State University. Her talk, titled “Suspended Animation: Exploring Secrets to Cryopreservation,” is the second in a 7-week series of Town Talks presented by TSRC. The event takes place at the​ Telluride Conference Center​ in...

The Telluride Science Research Center hosts Professor Francesco Paesani of the University of California San Diego, His talk, titled “Machine-Learning Molecular Models for Water Purification Technologies,” is the first in a 7-week series of Town Talks presented by TSRC. The event takes place at the Telluride Conference Center in...

For more information about the new Farm-to-Community Incentive Program in Mountain Village, contact Planning and Development Services Director Michelle Haynes at (970) 239-4061, or email The Town of Mountain Village announce sa community-wide, income- qualified Farm Share-to-Community Incentive Pilot Program. Grown out of the...