
The 42nd Telluride Film Festival presented by National Film Preserve LTD., proudly announces illustrator Laurent Durieux as its 2015 poster artist. Telluride Film Festival’s prestigious annual gathering for film industry insiders, cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers, and critics takes place every Labor Day weekend in the picturesque...

Telluride Film Festival’s “Sunday at the Palm” series presents Bears (2014). “With its touching story, beautiful scenery, and stunning camerawork, ‘Bears’ becomes another worthwhile documentary in the Disneynature library,” Celebrate Earth Week with Disneynature’s Bears documentary, narrated by John C. Reilly. “In an epic story...

Telluride Foundation’s annual award recognizes exceptional community members Who makes our community great? Who are those unsung heroes? The Telluride Foundation created the Outstanding Citizen award to honor individuals who unselfishly make extraordinary contributions to the community. Nominations are now being solicited from the entire...