Author: Clint Viebrock

Mountainfilm’s new initiative, announced in December 2016, is The New Normal, a community-wide, grassroots effort to battle climate change and help bring the Telluride region to carbon neutrality – no small challenge because Telluride has a carbon footprint twice the national average. In the spirit of The New Normal, Mountainfilm...

An important (to me) part of our epic cross-country trip during this Spring's off-season in Telluride was a three-night stay in Pensacola, Florida, home of Pensacola Naval Air Station. My routing might cause some to question my navigation skills, but to me it made sense....

First things first: Telluride Adaptive Sports Program's big Winter fundraiser, The Blue Party, is March 10, 2017. Doors open at 6 p.m. at the Telluride Conference Center in the Mountain Village. Enjoy an evening of dancing to the music of the ever-popular Anders Brothers Band and great food from The Village Table, Wine Geek...

We had some cloudy mornings in Cambodia and relished the relief from the intense sun when we were out and about. The morning Chhay, our guide, proposed a bike ride among the rice fields dawned cloudy again. Good, so far! But by the time Chhay...

Though we had spent four wonderful days in Cambodian waters during our Mekong River cruise, our experience the past  three days made it clear we were only getting a slice of the bounty of Cambodia. Chhay and Sel our guide and driver had left Siem Reap...

Note: Please remember, the image of our cruiser is a placeholder until we are on dry land - or have more reliable Internet. We have a treasure trove of images that can’t be uploaded right now. They will be posted as soon as we are...

Ed. Note: Photos to follow. We are internet constrained, but want to publish this post in a timely fashion. Living the life of luxury on the Mekong River can entail an early get-up: specifically, the tai chi session on the pool deck begins at 0630. About...

In my mind, living in Telluride means not having to travel. However, living in Telluride does not preclude necessary travel to visit family and friends who are not living close. And there are places in the world to visit for the first time, places familiar...

A memorial service for Glider Bob (Saunders) is scheduled for Wednesday, August 31, 5:30 p.m. in Telluride Town Park. The community is invited. Please scroll down to the bottom of Clint Viebrock’s tribute to watch a video filmed in 2009 of Bob flying high with...

Let me start by saying that serendipity often reveals itself through our mistakes. I'll explain later. [caption id="attachment_60698" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Our Stalwart Crew[/caption] Our adventure with the family officially ended with a Friday morning breakfast in Columbia Falls. Kimm, Mike and Matthew detoured into the Park for...