Author: Lise Waring

Those who’ve attended Mountainfilm know that we like to start most programs with a short trailer, a compilation of footage that’s accompanied by music. In the office, we simply call these “intros.” Clips are pulled from footage featured at the festival, but the music is hard...

Yesterday concluded a yearlong investigation into the activities of Greg Mortenson, executive director of The Central Asia Institute (CAI), author of the best-selling "Three Cups of Tea," and a former guest of Mountainfilm in Telluride. And what may surprise some: it's a good-news, bad-news story. The...

Just two months until Mountainfilm in Telluride’s 34th annual festival. Consider yourself duly notified. 10 Simple Steps for the Best Memorial Day Weekend…Ever: •    Get Psyched: Visit Check out the growing list of festival guests, the symposium and return to the site regularly for updates, including the...

 Mountainfilm in Telluride will launch its 34th annual festival on Friday, May 25, with a close look at the complicated subject of population. Over a dozen speakers, each focusing on a different area of expertise, will address the subject during the daylong Moving Mountains Symposium. “This theme synthesizes many...

Telluride Mountainfilm audiences have learned some great information about the world’s waste in recent years. Bag It premiered in 2009, and artist Chris Jordan has appeared with his “Running the Numbers” series at the festival. Now comes part three (and perhaps the most pressing of...

Spring is in the air, and unmet New Year’s resolutions are nagging in the back of many of our minds. What better time to walk more? We’re not just talking about walking for the sake of exercise. No, we mean actually walking to get somewhere....

Gear is no guarantee Historically dangerous avalanche conditions persist in the Mountain West this winter because of a variable snowpack. This degree of instability hasn’t been seen, according to many, in roughly 30 years. For better or worse, it’s been a year for some unfortunate backcountry...