Poets’ Corner: Feela for Valentine’s Day!

Poets’ Corner: Feela for Valentine’s Day!

“Valentine’s Day is when a lot of married men are reminded what a poor shot Cupid really is.” (Attributed to an anonymous source.) Case to underline that point from an open Valentine’s Day cynic, regular contributor, poet extraordinaire David Feela. His, umm, “tribute” to Cupid’s Day is anything but Hallmark treacle.

David Feela

A Cautious Attraction

David Feela

“Is that a canker sore on your lip?”
“No, it’s a wart. Why do you ask?”
“No reason.”
“There has to be a reason. Normally people look away.”
“Just wondering, that’s all.”
“Were you thinking about kissing me?”
“Kissing you? Don’t be ridiculous!”
“You’re probably worried about STDs.”
“I was not worried about anything, I was concerned. It must hurt.”
“Canker sores are not contagious.”
“I didn’t know that, but I really don’t care.”
“It’s the warts that can be transferred to other people.”
“You are a font of information about contagious conditions.”
“I thought it gave me a sensuous lip.”
“You ought to get it taken care of.”
“Actually, it’s just a canker sore. Eventually it’ll go away.”
“Then why did you tell me it was a wart?”
“I wanted you to think I was a prince.”
“That’s the worst come-on line I’ve ever heard.”
“So kissing is out of the question?”
“Kissing was never a part of the question.”
“A handshake?”
“That’s just my Parkinson’s.“

  • Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
    Posted at 12:30h, 13 February Reply

    Classic Feela! Fun, Creative. And a vulnerable, open heart pulsing beneath the humor.

  • david feela
    Posted at 16:45h, 13 February Reply

    Thank you dear Rosemerry, You’e a sweetheart.

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