20 Dec Winter Solstice: Down Low + (Word Woman) Rosemerry’s Spin!
The winter solstice is not the full day of December 21. Rather it occurs at a specific time, at the point the sun is shining farthest to the south, directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. Of course, the sun is not actually moving; the Earth is. In fact, the term “Solstice” means “sun stands still.”
In modern times Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day, which falls on December 25. However, it is believed the date was chosen to offset pagan celebrations of Saturnalia and Natalis Invicti. Some say that celebrating the birth of the “true light of the world,” (or JC), was set to sync with the December solstice because, from that point onwards, we experience more daylight in the Northern Hemisphere.
Rosemerry Trommer’s (Word Woman) thoughts on the Solstice should bring light to the darkness in the sky – and perhaps into our hearts during these divisive, pandemic times.
Jenn (co-owner with husband Brad) just assured us that Rosemerry’s work, including her latest book of poems, “The Unfolding,” is available at Telluride’s indie, Between the Covers Bookstore, now located on the sunny side of Main Street at 307 East Colorado Avenue between MiXX Atelier and Practice Yoga.
Note: Mark your calendar. Rosemerry will be doing a reading on January 13 from “The Unfolding.” The event includes works that inspired her as she was writing the book, also optional ideas for your own writing. Hosted by The Raft. Click here to sign up. And check out meditation teacher Tara Brach’s podcast with Rosemerry about “The Unfolding.”
One Inner Bonfire
they invite
new ways of making light—
these longest nights
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