25 Dec Poets’ Corner: David Feela for Xmas 2024!
Memories of Xmases past are as persistent as Santa myths, as unavoidable as telemarketers, carols, and “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Truth is those memories we bring to the holidays, besides a long gift list (and too little time), are packed in the back of our closets alongside the battered tinsel star, the good silver, and great grandma’s dishes, ready to emerge once again on Xmas Day 2024.
The following is one such memory written by a favorite writer-poet and contributor to Telluride Inside…and Out, David Feela.

David Feela
New Skin
Last night was cold enough
for a puddle to heal itself.
I hesitate and marvel
before scraping windshield glass.
This Christmas morning
the world’s glacial, suspended
beneath a layer of ice.
I can’t help but move slowly,
step by careful step, across the porch,
along the cement walk
and onto the white grass
where my feet leave dark shadows
to mark where I’ve passed.
Above me the stars are crisp
in their celestial sockets.
The earth’s resolve hardens
and for what it’s worth
I breathe and behold each breath.
Art Goodtimes
Posted at 22:57h, 27 DecemberI love that term, “celestial sockets”. Wonderful to “breathe and behold each breath.”