08 Nov Talking Gourds: Ute Mountain Chairman to Speak in Telluride 11/12
The Telluride Institute has teamed up with San Miguel County, the Telluride Historical Museum and the Wilkinson Public Library, thanks to a grant from the Town of Telluride’s CCAASE, to host an evening for the community to hear from Ute Mountain Ute Chairman Manuel Heart. He will speak to the general public on Tuesday, November 12, 7 pm.
Earlier in the day, at 1:30 pm., Heart will speak with local elected officials at the quarterly Intergovernmental meeting held in the San Miguel County Meeting Room in the Miramonte Building.
Go here for more on Talking Gourds.
“Ever since San Miguel County made a formal apology to the Uncompahgre Utes for their forced removal from county lands, the community has been working to improve communications and relationships with local Ute nations,” said Institute Trustee Art Goodtimes. “Bringing Chairman Heart to speak to the town and county officials at the Intergovernmental is the first in a series of Indigenous speakers we hope to come and speak in San Miguel County. And since no formal observance of Indigenous Peoples Day last month occurred this year, we thought a public meeting for Chairman Heart to talk of tribal issues and for community members to ask questions was a good way to celebrate that day and to continue relationship-building.”
The session at the library will be free and open to the public, as will the Intergovernmental meeting.
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