Talking Gourds: Montrose Poet Paolo Munguia to Read in Norwood, 10/16!

Talking Gourds: Montrose Poet Paolo Munguia to Read in Norwood, 10/16!

The Lone Cone Library has teamed up with the Talking Gourds Poetry Project to host a “Stories & Poems” performance series  the third Wednesday of each month. The upcoming program features Paolo Munguia, a Mexican-American poet living in Montrose who will read his work in Spanish — with an English speaker alternating an English translation line for line

For more information, text 970-729-0220 or email Goodtimes at or visit the Talking Gourds website:

Go here for more on Talking Gourds.

“Paolo and I met at the Ah Haa show this past winter in Telluride: In Their Own Words: A Poetry Experience / Según Sus Palabras: Una Experiencia Poetica,” explained Talking Gourds director Art Goodtimes. “We’re delighted he’s willing to take time out of his busy work schedule to come share his work with us.”

Born in Morelos, México, Paolo moved to the U.S. as a 23-year-old, since he was without good opportunities down south. He’s been living and working in Montrose in construction since 2001.

Always interested in the arts, Paolo started playing guitar at age 11 for local church choirs. A few years later he found his passion in playing rock’n’roll. Since then, he has been inspired to write songs and poems.

As the featured guest  Munguia will give a 20-30 min. presentation, followed by a short Q & A period after the presentation. Then there’s a passing of the gourd, where community members are encouraged to share stories or poems.

For those who like prompts for stories or poems, this month’s is: “Autumn.”


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