Telluride Mushroom Fest: Robert Rogers Returns to Talk Mushrooms for Healing & More!

Telluride Mushroom Fest: Robert Rogers Returns to Talk Mushrooms for Healing & More!

The Telluride Mushroom Festival (TMF) returns for the 44th year in a row. And when that happens–this year August 14 – August 18 –the Town of Telluride will be taken over by amanita hat-wearing, mold- and spore-worshipping mycelium fanatics.

Go here for more on the history of the Telluride Mushroom Festival. (Scroll back to 2009.)

And please scroll down to check out TIO’s email interview with Robert Rogers.

In Asian countries mushrooms have been used since ancient times for maintaining good health in general and specifically for the treatment of diseases. 

In the West, however, while mushrooms have long been appreciated for their culinary and nutritional value, only relatively recently has the kingdom become increasingly sought out for its many important medicinal properties as well. So much so that fungi are now being used not only as dietary and/or functional foods, but also in the form of supplements, nutraceuticals, and mycotherapy products.

Interested in, umm, digging further into the subject of medical mushrooms and plant-based medicine in general? Then, at the 44th annual Telluride Mushroom Festival, August 14 – August 18, Robert Rogers is where you want to be. He is likely one of the best mycophiles around to unravel the molecular mysteries of our fungal friends.

On Thursday, August 15 and Friday, August 16, Rogers is joined by Dr. Julie Daoust and Steve Farrar, both of OM superfoods and organic mushrooms, in a two-part talk titled “Clinical Research on Functional Mushrooms; Ongoing Research, Opportunities and the Twists and Turns Along the Way.” 

Those talks are a review of the latest in clinical research using functional mushrooms, also a deep dive on the impact of functional mushrooms on the microbiome and digestive and cognitive health.

That panel is followed by another featuring Rogers with Roger Holden, co-founder of Fruiting Bodies, and Ken Mycelium, about “The Magi of Mushroom Essences.”

At “The Magic of Mushroom Essences,” Rogers will delve into his exploration involving the use of mushroom essences for addressing complex conditions in his clinical, herbal practice in Canada. 

He will explain the science behind mushroom essences and vibrational medicine, providing a brief history of the subject. And he will present case studies demonstrating how mushroom essences have effectively treated conditions such as depression, anxiety, phobias, ADHD, OCD, trauma, insomnia, eating disorders, insecurities, anger, and relationship issues, highlighting profound results and success stories from his practice.

Robert Rogers has been an herbalist for over 50 years, with over 20 years of clinical experience and over 40 years teaching plant and mushroom medicine at a college and university level. 

Rogers has authored over 60 book on the subject of fungi, including “The Fungal Pharmacy,” praised as the ultimate guide to identifying and healing with medicinal North American fungi, including:

• Active chemical components

• Preparation methods for extracts, essences, essential oils, and more

• Historical and modern-day usage

• Cultural, religious, and literary significance, with fun facts on etymology and history

• Plus, 200 full-color photos and thorough descriptions for easy identification

Published in 2011, “Fungal Pharmacy” was a wake-up call for modern medicine. 

Rogers forged an alternative lifestyle in the Canadian North in the early 1970s. He wild-crafted herbs, traveled the world, studied with shamans and healers and worked as an herbalist in a health food store in Edmonton, where he and his wife Laurie reside.

Robert Rogers and Laurie are owners of Self Heal Distributing and Scents of Wonder essential oils. He is also co-director of the Earth Spirit Medicine Program at Northern Star College.

For more please read Telluride Inside…and Out’s email interview with Robert Rogers.

TIO: At what point in your life did you know you wanted to build a career dedicated to plant-based medicine?

RR: My journey began after university when I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in botany. Shortly after I found my self in northern Alberta surrounded by plants unfamiliar to me and began to study with indigenous healers

TIO: Once that interest was triggered, what were your next steps towards gaining deep knowledge?

RR: I studied with herbal teachers in Alert Bay, British Columbia, California, England, Spain and Peru.

TIO: “Fungal Pharmacy” was an eyes-wide-open event in medicine in general. But back in 2011– or prior, when you started to write one of the bibles about fungal pharmacies – you were an herbalist who was relatively newly introduced to medicinal mushrooms. So how and when was your interest in fungi triggered?

RR: The original monograph was published 10 years before. I suggested to my oncology clients that reishi and turkey tail may be useful in reducing side effects and normalizing immune function during chemotherapy, so it has been a nearly 30-year journey.

TIO: What clinical studies carried out on humans are you aware of that reveal the great potential of a mushroom, fungal extract or chemical compound, studies that support some of the health claims in your books?

RR: A recent book, “Medicinal Mushrooms: The Human Clinical Trials,” examines over 100 human double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials with over 20 mushroom species. Those trial not only showed reductions in side effects from chemotherapy and radiation, but also extension of lifespan.

TIO: What do you think is most important for people to understand about medicinal mushrooms?

RR: Different people react differently to various mushrooms and they are not magic bullets. However, mushrooms can be useful for helping alleviate various chronic health conditions as an adjunct to other therapies.

TIO: Why do you keep returning to the Telluride Mushroom Festival? In what ways does the weekend feed you, body and soul?

RR: I have met so many wonderful colleagues and friends who understand my philosophical views on natural approaches to health. And who does not enjoy a party with great friends you see but once a year?

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