Telluride Museum: Reopening June 3!

Telluride Museum: Reopening June 3!

The following is a note from the Telluride Museum family about events you won’t want to miss.

The Museum hopes everyone will show up on June 6, 6pm, for a free public reception to unveil the new show:”You Are Here: Opportunity, Exploration, and Endurance in the San Juan Mountains.”

Donate here.

Go here for more about the Telluride Museum.

Railroad Club Excursion at the Idarado Mill circa 1940, courtesy Telluride Museum.

Time is flying in Telluride’s box canyon as the snow melts and the elk lounge on the valley floor. In a blink, it will be June 3rd, when the Telluride Museum reopens for the summer season. Summer hours are 10am-5pm, Mondays-Saturdays (with Saturdays FREE for locals).

We are hard at work prepping the Weatherford Gallery for the 2024-2025 annual exhibit: “You Are Here: Opportunity, Exploration, and Endurance in the San Juan Mountains.”

The exhibit features rare and unique historical maps that tell the story of how the American Southwest came to be navigated, understood, and exploited. It will also highlight the different groups of people who left their mark on the landscape and, in turn, how the mountains shaped their experiences.

With summer comes a jam-packed season full of programs and events that offer a little something for everyone.

Historic walking tours led by Ashley Boling take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 1pm, beginning on June 4th.

Kids of all ages will once again be able to enjoy sluice activity. Stay tuned for an exact date, but everything should be up and in full swing by mid-June.

The Museum is thrilled to announce a new, free, family-focused Heritage Nights Series. These reoccurring programs take place at the Museum and give attendees an opportunity to try their hands at traditional crafts and skills.

First up on June 25th is leather-stamping (If you or your business are interested in sponsoring this new series please contact Theresa at

And,  of course, make sure to mark your calendars for the return of the cherished museum tradition, “An Evening with Ken Burns.” The event, which features a screening, this year of Burn’s “Huey Long,” and a Q&A session, takes place Sunday, August 25th, at the Palm Theatre. (Info on how to purchase tickets, etc. to come).

Ken Burns, Credit, Evan Barlow.

Meet the Telluride Museum Board:

This month’s “Meet the Museum Board” features JT Coe.  A newer addition to our Board, JT has family connections to mining and was a mining engineer himself. He and his family are frequent attendees at museum programs and events!

JT Coe, courtesy Telluride Museum.

When did you first get involved with the Telluride Historical Museum?

It was shortly after we bought our house. So I’m guessing my first visit would have been during the winter of 2014-15? I was a mining engineer in my first career and came through here in 1975. I find these mountains, and the relics and old mining camps, to be pure magic.

What excites you about history, and our local history in particular?

I have always been a history buff. Here in Telluride, we really celebrate our town’s rich history and those who came before us. The Utes, the immigrant miners from all over the world, the hippies, artists, musicians, festivarians, mountaineers, ski bums, etc. It’s a pretty interesting group and hopefully it remains that way.

Who is your favorite Telluride Historical figure and why?

He will probably take a dim view of being an “historical figure,” but Rudy Davison is more like a Telluride treasure. If you have not been on one of his Jeep tours, make sure to sign-up; they are incredible. In all seriousness, though, to me one of Telluride’s most interesting historical figures is Otto Mears – pure genius.

Why do you think it’s important for people to support the museum?

Preserving and explaining the past is critical in understanding where we are today and possibly where we are going. The colorful history of the San Juans and Telluride underlines where we are today and reminds of us of the good and the not-so-good.

If you could only take one meal and one drink with you to a desert island for the rest of your days, what would you take?

Easy – A steak and martini from the Chop House!

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