07 Apr Talking Gourds: Telling Stories about Wolves, Naturita Library, 4/21!
Over the past two months the Naturita Library has teamed up with the Talking Gourds Poetry Project to host a new “Stories & Poems” performance series. The event takes place the third Sunday of each month. Next up is Bob Mckeever of Norwood on the subject of wolves, 4/21.
For more information, text 970-729-0220 or email Goodtimes at art@tellurideinstitute.org or visit the Talking Gourds website: www.tellurideinstitute.org/talking-gourds
Go here for more on Talking Gourds.
Bob Mckeever of Norwood started it off in February talking about lions. Bill Wilson of Norwood continued the stories in March. His subject was bears. Talking Gourds is not sure if “Wild Man” Mckeever will be back from Mexico, but Wilson will help ground us with experiences from someone who knows all about wolves.
Because of the recent state vote, wolves are being reintroduced into Colorado, with some serious concerns being raised by our ranching communities. Few of us know much about wolves, since they haven’t lived in our area for generations. This will be a chance for folks who know about wolves or have written about them to come and share their stories and/or poems about wolves and human-wolf interactions.
“Stories & Poems” follows a simple format. The morning begins with a performance of a featured storyteller or poet. That is followed by a Q & A session, then a passing of the gourd. At that point, everyone present will be invited to tell a personal story, perform a poem (an original or a favorite written by someone else), read a short section of prose or simply pass the gourd on to the next person. The theme for March’s gourd circle stories will be black bear tales. Bring yours.
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