15 Feb Talking Gourds: Naturita Library Hosts Norwood’s Bob McKeever for Storytelling, 2/18!
The Naturita Library has teamed up with the Talking Gourds Poetry Project to host a new “Stories & Poems” performance series on the third Sunday of each month starting beginning Feb. 18, 11 am., with Norwood storyteller Bob Mckeever.
For more information, text 970-729-0220 or email Goodtimes at art@tellurideinstitute.org or visit the Talking Gourds website: www.tellurideinstitute.org/talking-gourds
Go here for more on Talking Gourds.

Bob McKeever telling Mountain Lion stories at the Lone Cone Library Jan. 17th.
Bob McKeever, who grew up here, has worn a lot of hats and has worked as an agency archaeologist for the Forest Service and the BLM. He’s been a featured storyteller at Norwood’s year-old “Stories & Poem”s series at the Lone Cone Library.
The last time Bob appeared he told a lot of lion stories. It was so successful Gourds thought to have the topic for the initial Naturita gathering be about Lions. In March Bob will be back to talk about bears. And in April we thought to focus on wolves, having been newly being reintroduced to Colorado.
Some of us have lived with, hunted, photographed, or perhaps have never seen some of apex predators that live among us in the forests and slickrock country of Montrose and San Miguel counties. Bob has a lot of stories and some good information on these neighbor critters.
“Stories & Poems” follows a simple format. The morning begins with a performance of a featured storyteller or poet, followed by a Q & A session, then a passing of the gourd. At that point, everyone present will be invited to tell a personal story, perform a poem (an original or a favorite written by someone else), read a short section of prose or simply pass the gourd on to the next person. The theme for February’s gourd circle stories will be mountain lion tales. Bring yours.
A collaboration of the Naturita Library and the Telluride Institute’s Talking Gourds poetry program,” Stories & Poems” is free and open to all ages, thanks to the generosity of the library, private donors and Talking Gourds’ Fischer Cantor poetry contests.
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