12 Feb Poets’ Corner: David Feela for Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s Day, all you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt,” said humorist Charles Schultz. Or a poem by regular contributor, poet extraordinaire David Feela which, according to its author, is not “a gushy traditional love poem, but certainly gushy about romance…”
Because on the High Holy day for Cupid who needs more flowers or Hallmark treacle? Feela’s words are sweet – but with his usual side of spice. His gift to his wife on the holiday? A STOP sign declaring his turf: his side of the bed. (Sound familiar?)

David Feela
–For Pam
My side of the bed
is mine, like a territory
unconquered by armies,
unchallenged for centuries,
painted one plain map color,
agreed on by history,
unrefined by cartographers,
forgotten by students
who study any small throne
through the telescope
of their own lives.
I covet no other bed.
I love my wife.
All that is mine is hers
except my side of the bed.
When the time comes right
she knows my side of the bed
is mine, and she returns
to sleep over there, in her country
where even I know enough
not to take what is hers
for mine.
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