Second Chance: Spooky Night for Pets, Keep Them Safe on Halloween!

Second Chance: Spooky Night for Pets, Keep Them Safe on Halloween!

Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center (SCHS) and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray and Montrose Counties since 1994. The shelter is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday 11am – 5:30pm. Community veterinary services are available by appointment.

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It’s goblin, candy, and party time again. Halloween can be so much fun for kids and adults.

But how exactly does the evening look to your cat or dog?

Dogs see scary, unfamiliar creatures running around screaming. You know that the monster in the scary mask is your neighbor kid, but your pet has no clue. The doorbell rings and rings, which is super confusing for the dog who thinks he needs to bark every time. Glowing jack-o-lanterns with frightening faces and fire inside not only look scary, but also smell strange. Decorations that light up, hang from above, make scary sounds, and are motion-activated can be terrifying for your pets too. There is candy everywhere, which smells great, but it’s all out of reach.

Halloween is second only to July 4th for stressing pets. Before you’re in the midst of all the chaos, take a moment to consider your their safety and sanity.

Unless your pet is a very rare, mellow, and unflappable, don’t take them trick or treating. Wandering around dark streets filled with screaming, running, and crying kids in costumes is super stressful. Rambunctious teens in masks traveling in packs and looking for mischief can make a cat or dog very nervous.

Your pet will be much happier where they feel safe. Make sure he or she has a place to hunker down until normality returns. You might set up a bed, treats, and soft music or nature sounds in a room in the back of the house. Take measures to ensure that your pet doesn’t escape when the door opens and closes all night to distribute candy or welcome guests. If you’re hosting a party, consider arranging a quiet sleepover for your pet at a friend’s house.

Of course, make sure your pet stays out of the chocolates and candies – as well as chewable, but not digestible Halloween decorations. Giving them a special, safe treat is a great way to help distract them from the multitude of tempting smells from the bounty.

Finally, we know you’re going to do it. You’ll dress your pet like a hot dog, a pumpkin, a bumble bee, or in some other ridiculous costume. Those are truly some of the cutest photos on Instagram. However, keep it brief, as it’s a rare pet who enjoys being wrangled into an uncomfortable, unfamiliar get-up and forced to smile for the camera.

Have a Happy Halloween, but keep it pet safe!


Aspen is a beautiful, white dog who could dress as a ghost with no costume at all. She’s been with us a long time. She was adopted, but then was returned. She doesn’t get along with other female dogs, but other than that- she is a true gem.

AND… To continue the Second Chance Highlights section, we want to share the following:

Through October 29:

Second Chance is partnering with Subaru and Flower Motors to offer 1/2 price adoptions for all pets, and fee-waived adoptions for senior cats.

Adoption Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 11-5:30.

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