14 Jul Telluride Theatre: Shakespeare in the Park Presents “Hamlet,” July 21-29!
Telluride Theatre presents “HAMLET: To be, or not to be? The show must go on!” By William Shakespeare; Directed by Becca Wolff. July 21-29, 8 p.m. (No show Thursday July 27.)
Tickets $30 (adults); $20 (under 18), available at www.telluridetheatre.org. FREE for all San Miguel County teachers and students.* RAIN OR SHINE – audience is covered by Town Park stage. Please dress warmly and know that no outside liquor is allowed. Concessions (but no alcohol) will be available for purchase.
*limited number of student/teacher tickets per night email info@telluridetheatre.org to claim
Go here for more about Telluride Theatre.
Telluride Theatre’s 33rd annual Shakespeare in the Park production is HAMLET, directed once again by last year’s guest director Becca Wolff.
Hamlet’s father dies and, within two months, his mother is married to her dead husband’s brother. That is not sitting right with the young man. On top of that, a ghost visits. Is that his father’s spirit or a demon come to tempt him into violence against his uncle? What should he do? Who can he trust? Should he be? Or choose not to be?
Hamlet decides the show must go on, and he leaps into the fray with style that has not been forgotten in the nearly 500 years since Shakespeare set down the play. Is Hamlet crazy? Merry? Possessed? Ecstatic? His actions defy sense, and yet there is a method to his madness.
This summer’s production is inspired by the 1952 musical “Singin in the Rain.” Telluride’s Hamlet dances through his tragedy, facing each new shock with quick footwork and a smile.
Guest Director Becca Wolff says of working on the show:
“Like the characters in ‘Singin in the Rain,’ Hamlet knows the show must go on! There is no doubt the story is tragic, but ‘the play’s the thing.’ Shakespeare’s HAMLET is full of music, dance and very dark humor. Our production kicks up the tempo a notch.”
Becca’s time in Telluride has been nothing short of magical. She reflects saying:
“Telluride is the perfect place to make theater. Our cast – and the whole town! – is full of brilliant people who are present and open to new things. There’s so much energy! And Telluride Theatre is a container for that energy. It’s like the magic of the mountains – the way they suggest adventure and safety at once.”
Of Carter Gill, Movement Director for the show: “Carter is a master of physical theater and clowning. His work reveals the power of laughter to unlock the power of a tragedy like Hamlet.”
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