19 Jul Second Chance: Sometimes They Come Back to Us!
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center (SCHS) and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray and Montrose Counties since 1994. The shelter is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday 11am – 5:30 pm. Community veterinary services are available by appointment.
View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.
Go here for more options from Second Chance.
We believe people can be trusted to know when it’s time to add a pet to their home. We don’t subscribe to the theory that an intrusive, highly detailed adoption process is best for pets or people. Research shows that reduced fees, simple adoption applications, and easier adoptions benefit pets. However, with this approach, we believe that we need to be there if an adoption doesn’t work out. Some pets, like some people, may not be compatible with an individual or family.
Our boy Smidge has had a rough life. He was rescued last year as part of a multi-dog case where the pets had little care or socialization. His health was poor/ Smidge had an abscess on his neck and a permanent limp because of an untreated leg injury. He went home with a family who really tried to make it work. But, because of his history, the pup had difficulty bonding with the husband. He loved the wife, but would not warm up to anyone else. So, Smidge is back. He’s a sweet, goofy boy who is approximately 7-years-old.

Chico is a different kind of returned pet. He was a dog we saw several times as a “stray.” He was allowed to roam, and concerned people in the neighborhood brought him to us on different occasions and his former owner would retrieve him. After a discussion with us, we all decided it was in his best interest to have them surrender Chico. Now he is available to join a new family. Chico is a friendly, handsome guy who loves attention and adores being in the water.

Kiki is gorgeous and sweet, but has had some very bad luck. She’s been adopted and returned twice. The first time, she just never got comfortable in the home. Soon after she returned, she was adopted again and seemed to have found her place. Unfortunately, her person became ill and unable to care for her, so she is back. Kiki has thick, long, black fur and stunning eyes. She would love another chance.

Smidge, Chico, and Kiki are all considered senior pets, so their adoption fees are reduced.
Miso came to us last year as a feral kitten (with brother Tofu and sister Kimchi). They warmed up to the staff gradually and Kimchi was adopted. Unfortunately, by the time they had started to overcome their fears, they were competing with smaller, cute, friendly kittens for attention and adoption. We were excited when Miso was adopted. He returned to us last week because he just didn’t fit in the house where he was living. Essentially still a kitten (just over one year), his energy didn’t match the expectation of the adopter. He and his brother hope to find a forever home soon.

Second Chance is grateful to be here to accept these former residents back at the shelter and give them another opportunity chance to find the right person. Meet them and all our available pets from 11 am to 5:30 pm, Wednesday through Sunday.
AND… To continue the Second Chance Highlights section, we want to share the following:
We love getting out in our communities to meet new people, introduce our adoptable pets, and just have fun! This summer is packed with events, from farmers’ markets to adoption events – with more to come! We hope you’ll stop by and say hi!
Petco Adoption Events at Petco in Montrose: August 26, September 9, Noon to 3 pm
Chow Down Adoption Event at Chow Down in Montrose: July 22, 10 am to 2 pm
Telluride Farmers’ Markets July 28, August 11, August 25, September 8, September 22, and October 13, 11 am to 4 pm
Ridgway State Park Adoption Event August 5, 1 to 3 pm
Adoption Event- Music & Makers Festival September 3, Fellin Park in Ouray, 10 am to 5 pm.
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