15 Feb San Miguel County: East End Master Plan!
East End Master Plan Community Survey. County Planning Commission seeks public input to define vision for the region. Survey is open through Friday, March 3. It akes about 15 minutes to complete. Respondents can participate in English and Spanish. There will be an opportunity to win one of six $25 gift cards.
To take the survey and find information on upcoming meetings and the plan’s progress, visit www.sanmiguelcountyco.gov/eastendmasterplan.
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Make your voice heard! As part of the East End Master Plan, San Miguel County Planning, along with our consultant Design Workshop, will be launching a Community Survey on Monday, February 13, to help us understand what is most important to people in eastern San Miguel County and to help form the vision for the region’s future.
The East End Master Plan is an intentional road map to guide the community towards its shared vision and future goals. This master plan process, and the survey in particular, draws on the ideas of locals to promote forward-looking policies to sustain our uniqueness of place. The plan will promote resiliency and equitable land use decisions.
County Planning Commission Chairperson Lee Taylor said:
“One of the ‘secret weapons’ of the special place that is the Telluride region is our small scale – it makes almost anything possible, and every voice matters. Exercise yours – fill out the East End Master Plan survey to help us chart a sensible and sustainable course for the next twenty years. Help us articulate what matters here at the headwaters, so we can protect it and build it.”
The Master Plan update provides a critical opportunity for people who live, work and play in the East End of San Miguel County to come together to create a comprehensive, forward-thinking vision for the region. We encourage all residents, employees and stakeholders to make your voices heard and to take the San Miguel County East End Master Plan Community Survey.
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