01 Feb SAF Presents: Judy Collins: “Winter Stories” with Chatham County Line, 2/9!
Telluride’s Sheridan Arts Foundation presents an evening with Judy Collins: Winter Stories with Chatham County Line. The concert takes place at the historic Sheridan Opera House on Thursday, February 9, 2023, 8 p.m.
Tickets are $55- $65, for all reserved seats (plus a $5 ticketing fee). All tickets are sold through www.SheridanOperaHouse.com.
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Scroll to sample Judy Collins and Winter Stories.

Judy Collins by Brad Trent, courtesy of the artist.
Grammy-winner and seven-time nominee Judy Collins, along with the masterful Americana band Chatham County Line, (CCL) invite you to a hootenanny at the Sheridan Opera House.
Folk music may be regionally derived, but it’s always universally resonant. Case in point, the folk album Winter Stories, a comfy collection of seasonal and emotionally evocative songs by an unlikely gathering of artists. The album lineup boasts the pairing of iconic folk singer-songwriter Judy Collins and Chatham County Line.
“I knew…Chatham County Line would be a great fit with me,” Judy said. “The language of music overarches everything, including geography. When we came together in the studio, we found we could speak to each other in a way that was compatible and nuanced.”
In February 2019, Judy, Norwegian folk artist Jonas Fjeld (not present at this performance), and Chatham County Line headed down to vibey Echo Mountain Studios—a former stately church—in Ashville, North Carolina. Prior to that, the three artists knew each other tangentially, but had never officially worked together.
The artists had three days of rehearsal and pre-production in which they picked the album’s core songs from a list of 20 seasonally-themed tunes.
“I’m a winter guy—in my part of the world its winter seven months of the year,” Jonas explained. “Winter is a wonderful time to be close to the ones you love.”
From there, Judy, Jonas, and CCL tracked album basics over a few days of fun and free-wheeling recording sessions. Judy recalled: “We would gather around tell stories and exchange histories—that exchange is very much a part of the folk tradition.”
The resulting project, Winter Stories, is a collection of classics, new tunes, and a few surprises, featuring spirited lead vocal turns, breathtaking duets, and Judy’s stunning harmony singing: “Learning songs is fundamental to my core being—it’s always an adventure to peek behind the curtain to understand what the writer went through.”
Select album standouts include Judy evergreen “Mountain Girl,” and a stunning rendition of Joni Mitchell’s “The River.” On Winter Stories, fans can finally hear that recorded in its full majesty. The artists also cherrypicked songs they have longed to record over the years, including Jimmy Webb’s “The Highwaymen,” which Judy once performed live with Stephen Stills, and Stan Rodger’s “North West Passage.”
Press for WINTER STORIES project:
Nominated for the Norwegian Grammy • No. 1 on Billboard • Sold Out Tour
“Folk singer-songwriter Judy Collins released the greatest folk album of 2019, Winter Stories.”- Digital Journal, 2019.
Sheridan Arts Foundation, more:
The Sheridan Arts Foundation was founded in 1991 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to preserve the historic Sheridan Opera House as an arts and cultural resource for the Telluride community, to bring quality arts and cultural events to Telluride and to provide local and national youth with access and exposure to the arts through education.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation is sponsored in part by grants from the CCAASE, Colorado Creative Industries, the Johnson Family Foundation, the Telluride Foundation, and an American Rescue Plan Act grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to support general operating expenses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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