11 Jul Neuromorphs Present: “Music and the Brain,” Christ Church, 7/14!
Telluride’s resident scientists, the “Neuromorphs,”are putting on a concert and talk at Christ Church on Thursday, 7/14, 7pm. The ensemble are discussing their findings about the connection between music and the brain. The program features renowned violinist Irina Muresanu, who has been part of their study. (For more information on Irina see https://www.irinamuresanu.com). Admission is free.
Go here for more on the remix of Telluride Chamber Music.

Violinist Irina Muresanu.
Program:”Four Strings Around the World”
George Enescu (1881- 1955) – Airs in Romanian Folk Style
Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962) – Recitativo and Scherzo, op. 6
J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Chaconne in D minor, BWV 1004
Reza Vali (b. 1952) – Calligraphy No. 5
Bright Sheng (b. 1955) – The Stream Flows
Fred Onowverosuoke – Abaya and Bayaka
Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) – Tango Étude no. 3
Mark O’Connor (b. 1961) – The Cricket Dance
(United States)
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