15 Dec Telski: Update, More Terrain Opening!
Following the recent snowfall, the Telluride Ski Resort just announced new openings: terrain and restaurants.
Scroll down for details.
And for more on Telski, go here.
The Telluride Ski Resort is please to be able to offer a great on-mountain experience. The resort will have all of the below terrain and lifts open. Every run features wall-to-wall snow coverage and fresh corduroy.
Be sure to get in a few laps, then stop by Gorrono for lunch and a drink.
Meadows Carpet
Upper Misty
Village Bypass
Lower Boomerang
Gorrono Terrain Park
Access to Gorrono
Peaks Trail
Lower Double Cabins
• Lift 5 will OPEN – The entire area has been packed and tilled, hopefully Mother Nature brings even more snow and we will have a powder opening
• Bon Vivant
• Lift 6
-Access to See Forever (Super Loop)
— Lift 6 Terrain will be assessed by Patrol and opened TBD
• Lift 10
-Double Cabin, Sundance, Teddy’s Way, XC trails will OPEN
— Some runs will likely open for “home-owner access only” as the coverage under the bridges could be too thin for public
• Lift 11
-Beginner Terrain Park will open with the lift
–Access to Nellie!!
All water and focus is towards access into town upon completion of the above. Snowmaking will continue in other areas, but priority 1 is to get to town by the holidays. We need cold temps to make it happen. Lift 9 needs a safe egress out to town before Telski can open. Once that egress is established everyone will be welcomed for their last season of riding the old fixed grip.
The Prospect Basin and Gold Hill are being continuously prepped and if the snow keeps coming, Telski should be opening these lifts with terrain TBD sometime next week.
“A big thank you to snowmaking and ops for creating a great product,” said Patrick Latcham, VP Sales & Marketing, Telski.
Lodging: The Inn at Lost Creek and the Peaks Resort & Spa are open.
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