22 Dec Second Chance: Home for the Holidays + Highlights!
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for 27 years. Call 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about our Emergency Response, Community Medical, Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, or other services. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.
Go here for more options from Second Chance.

What makes the Holidays special? Most would answer that we get to be with those we love. Isn’t that what it is all about? For some of you that means going home for the holidays; for others that means staying home and not going anywhere. Some gather with their “chosen” family members to feel that connection. And then there are those, like me, without a heart connection at the moment, who feel lonlier than ever.
I don’t want to be a holiday-downer here, but let’s not forget about people and animals who aren’t feeling festive right now. But the truth is I am grateful just to be alive, to be here at Second Chance and to be waiting for a family to call my own. That said, what I want more than anything this season is a place to come home to. As such, I am thankful that Second Chance, and this publication, in gifting me this Pet Column to share my holiday wish.
I am a 6-year-young Blue Heeler with a slightly rounded figure. My age and full-figured adult body make me a little less desirable by adopters seeking an adorable puppy or outgoing dog. But I will not chew on or relieve myself in your shoes and I will make you feel quite special when I show you that you are somebody that I can trust. When you see the special in me, you will definitely see the special in you.
I have not had an easy life, and so I am very shy when I first meet people: I act as though I don’t want to connect with you. It truly is an act though, I deeply want connection. The staff and volunteers have quickly learned that just a little gentle patience with my outer shell is quickly rewarded by my soft and gooey inner heart. My gift.
The other notable thing I like about the holidays is the theme of giving. Giving is what I do best and what really sparks me. If I were a superhero I would be Santa Claus. But unlike that red-suited, oversized jolly dude, my giving happens every single day, every moment I am with people who let me relax into my true loving self. Santa gives material stuff and momentary happiness; I give the essence of life – love.
Sorry Santa, nothing personal.
The other kind of giving marked by the holidays is about giving to make the world a better place for all of us. So, on behalf of the thousands of homeless pets before me, and the thousands who will come after me here at Second Chance, thank you for giving to this organization. The result has been thousands of pet’s lives saved and thousands more people’s lives changed.
Seriously, I owe you my life.
Speaking of life, I am super excited to start really living it. I just need a little help from a loving, patient person or family who is ready to choose me. Sharing a big holiday dinner, roasting chestnuts on the fire, and playing in the snow will all just be bonus after that.
Come meet me today!
AND… To continue the new Second Chance Highlights section we wanted to share the following:
Happy Rescue Stories Make Happy Holidays
Grateful for your Giving
Second Chance greatly appreciates the generosity toward our life-saving programs and services during the recent Colorado Gives Day. Thanks for supporting our work!
Happy Rescue Stories Make Happy Holidays
This summer brought Lorraine Ohanesian unconditional love in the form of “Sophie” and that continues 10-fold today. Following Lorraine’s recent heartfelt Season’s Greetings post (below) on the Second Chance Adopters FaceBook Group we reached out to find out more about how they’re doing.
Lorraine replied:
“I adopted her last year on June 20, 2020. I was looking for a Border collie mix, and she appeared on a Petfinder search. As I was driving three hours from Basalt and growing weary from the drive, I thought ‘this is the dumbest thing I’ve done driving all this way for a dog I have never met…or the best thing I’ve done.’ Then I met her, ‘Miley’ at the time, hiding behind the staff person’s legs, but ears perked and smiling face looking at me, curious about who ‘this new person’ was. I think at that point my heart melted. She is an only pet and, me being single, brings an added dimension to my life AND mandatory walks three time a day. Also spontaneous games of tug-o-war with toys!”
Second Chance thanks you for your story Lorraine, an illustration of how pets and peopke really do live better together.
Scott Layton – December Volunteer of the Month
Second Chance loves sharing stories about volunteers and staff “behind the scenes.” They make all we do possible. Scott was selected this month and here is why…
Scott started volunteering over the summer when the shelter was understaffed: Second Chance did not have anyone able to manage property maintenance at the Shelter. The weeds were having a big party and Scott stepped up to the plate, making sure the yards and dog run areas were pristine. He would show up, regardless of the temperatures, and be out there weed-wacking, mowing, picking up discarded toys, caring for the Memorial Garden, etc.
When autumn arrived and the weeds and grass retreated, Scott hung in, looking for another area of need. He is now volunteering in the medical clinic. With great compassion, he helps the animals during recovery, prepares surgical packs, and assists in cleaning at the end of the day.
Scott is a dedicated volunteer who, along with his super positive attitude, will spend the majority of a day devoted to our mission.
We truly cannot thank Scott enough!
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