22 Aug Telluride Venture Network: Mining & Reclamation Bootcamp in Sept.!
Telluride Venture Network (TVN) to offer Mining & Reclamation Bootcamp in September.
Telluride Venture Network (TVN), Newmont Corp, and Mountain Studies Institute (MSI) are teaming up to launch their second bootcamp for startups addressing issues in the reclamation, mining and clean water industries. The bootcamp will be a hybrid of virtual and in-person in Telluride, CO and will bring together companies and mentors from across the industry.
Phase I: September 13-17th virtual (weekdays only): Fully virtual content. ~90 minutes in the morning with networking in the afternoon.
Phase II: Sept.20-24th in-person in Telluride, culminating in a presentation at San Juan Mining Reclamation & Conference (www.mountainstudies.org/sjmrc). For alumni, we will coordinate opportunities to work with mining companies and/or landowners to test technology in the field. Interested companies should be prepared to make a trip to Colorado to gather data and conduct testing.
The focus is specifically on startups operating in the intersection of water quality, reclamation, and mining industry and is open to companies addressing all parts of reclamation, water treatment, monitoring, remote sensing and communication, and economic cost recovery through secondary products, recovery of metals, and/or repurpose of byproducts.
Bootcamp Model: We will bring together 4-6 cutting-edge companies for high-impact mentoring, strategic coaching, and networking with industry experts and investors. The bootcamp will balance the need for founders to keep working in their businesses and making an impact on the business.
Startup to Scaleup! September 10-11th!
Build and Grow Your Business!
TVN is teaming up with CU Leeds School of Business to bring you StartUp to ScaleUp! S2S focuses on 2nd-stage small businesses and organizations, specifically those looking or needing to shift out of their startup phase and into “what’s next.”
• Test the viability, readiness and evaluation process of your idea.
• Develop growth and marketing strategies to further your concept.
• Recognize the process for scale-up financing and funding.
• Establish an understanding for a necessary small business infrastructure including: Human Resources, Systems and Processes, Automation and Inhouse/Contract Evaluation.
September 10-11th, 2021
Norwood, Colorado
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