04 Aug Second Chance: Boredom Busting With Bumble
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for 27 years. Call 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about our Emergency Response, Community Medical, Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, or other services. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.
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Hi my name is Bumble and I would like to apply for the position of “boredom buster” in your home. Are you the kind of person who does not like to be alone, is always needing to be distracted by something to ward off feeling bored and fatigued with life? I am a master self-entertainer (as our most of the adoptable cats here at Second Chance) and am here to help you.
If you think cats are just goofy, vapid, flighty beings lacking a strategic plan to attack our day with vigor, you have undeveloped appreciation for the creative visioning of felines. Cats, young cats particularly, have a full scale blueprint of how to make eating, playing, and working electrifying, fulfilling and valiant. Hire a cat like me as your mentor and your world has just become an adventure.
Let’s start with the basics. Everything has the potential to be fun. You see a string and I see a deranged snake needing to be tamed. You see a crumpled failed attempt at a shopping list, I see a sneaky rodent in disguise that only runs when I bat its rump. Yes those expensive toys you buy us are no match to a discarded box or rubber band. Simple things can change how you feel about the world around you.
Has food lost its alluring charm? Has dinner become monotonous? You’d never endure being fed the same boring kibble three meals a day unless your food becomes a playful adventure. So, for whatever reason you humans discourage your offspring from playing with their food, time to let it go and let the mashed potatoes become sand castles and peas become flying insects.
Do household chores incite dread and drudgery? Let me remind you how changing the sheets to your bed is a wild journey of hunting prey. Don’t spare the drama or the creativity when you are sweeping the floor with that elusive and hairy broom. Whistle while you work.
And who needs mindless television when there is an entire world of birds, squirrels, moths, dogs and other beasts lurking just outside the window from which to protect your home. The barrage of sights and noises require vigilance and valor, the enemy of boredom and banality. Don’t let the world pass by unnoticed.
Is the freedom and novelty of working from home losing its luster? I will serve as your paper shuffling, keyboard warming, lunch stealing, cursor-chasing work assistant who will entertain your Zoom-mates with my dancing tail and demand that you take necessary rest breaks. I will even let you think you are the boss– on rare occasions…
But best of all, I will provide you with emotional support when you simply can’t kick the doldrums. My human emotion-senso-matic powers are particularly well developed for a mere 4-month kitten and I will pause my joy seeking ways to cuddle with you, warm your lap and put my paw on your face to tell you everything is going to be okay.
Basically I am an entertaining, heart-expanding, cuddly ball of adorable decadence just waiting for the right person to bring me home and remind you to let joy lead the way. Plus I would appreciate having a home and a family. I hear that can be awesome.
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