01 Aug Original Thinkers: Update from Afghanistan with Jane Ferguson
Telluride-based Original Thinkers (OT) is a thoughtful ideas festival regularly scheduled for September 30 – October 3, 2021, in Telluride – and this year, virtually 10/1 – 10/31.
The weekend generally features 10 programs, each built around a particular idea explored through a compelling mix of speakers, films, performance, and art. The program typically delves into the human condition by focusing on the intersection of ideas and individual stories.
More from Original Thinkers here.
The following is a note from OT Founder and Ringleader David Holbrooke about his conversation with Jane Ferguson of PBS about Afghanistan and a teaser about the upcoming 2021 program.
Dear Original Thinkers –
As American troops depart Afghanistan, once again we turn to our friend Jane Ferguson whose reports for the PBS NewsHour from the country have become essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand this complicated region. She made an unexpected trip to Afghanistan recently because the pace of the American withdrawal was way faster than anyone expected. This country leaves behind a deeply complicated legacy, and already the signs are not encouraging as violence against civilians grows. Our 30-minute conversation focuses on both the present and future of Afghanistan with Jane offering her insights into both.
When you are finished listening, please check out our lineup for the upcoming Original Thinkers festival in Telluride, which takes place the first weekend of October. OT will be a hybrid event this year with a rich offering of virtual programming as well as our dynamic in-person shows.
Thanks so much and take good care.
The 2021 Lineup is Here
Join us in Telluride September 30 – October 3
Join us under the golden aspens this fall for an immersive and intimate gathering that looks at the intersection of story and idea. OT’s carefully curated programming gives you real time and space to connect with these big ideas and with each other, amidst the stunning landscape of Telluride.
Enjoy six live shows featuring speakers, film, performance centered around the ideas- Joy is an Inside Job, How Do We Heal?, Our Purpose Is Our Story, Becoming Braver and The Big Idea : Into the After. Explore the lineup including ‘Mission: Joy’, Peggy Callahan, Louie Psihoyos, ‘Bears on Pine Ridge’, Dr. Halleh Seddighzadeh, Tiny DeCory, Eileen Janis, Jean Oelwang, Engine No.1, ‘We Have Reached the Moment’, Mick West, Vic Barrett, ‘Rebel Hearts’, Sister Rosa, Sister Lenore Dowling, Pedro Kos, Pat Mitchell, Harold O’Neal, and more to be introduced.
FOR MORE, Click on the Program link above.
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