07 Jul Second Chance: Lyrics By Leo
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for 27 years. Call 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about our Emergency Response, Community Medical, Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, or other services. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.
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My name is Leo and I am proud to be one too. A Leo (or lion) that is. I find astrology fascinating and enjoy reading Rob Brezsny’s “Free Will Astrology” in which the author fulfills his mission to be a master of curiosity and purveyor of compassionate, crazy wisdom.
Brezny’s poetic philosophy this week started with this little tidbit from fellow Leo, author Wendell Berry,
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.”
I find this to be true for me in the moment as I wait here at the Second Chance shelter for my new forever family.
But I agree with Rob in that “Far more often we are fed by the strong, clear intuitions that emerge from our secret depths—from the sacred gut feelings that give us accurate guidance about what to do and where to go.”
My gut told me to put myself out there again in this Pet Column. I wrote the piece a few months ago, but it did not result in being adopted, so I am giving it another go.
As I said, my name is Leo. I am a young, strikingly handsome, outgoing and adventurous dude. I enjoy chatting with people and their affection – after I warm up to you. I also enjoy the company of dogs and cats who are polite. Like most Leo’s I like theater, taking holidays, being admired, bright colors, and fun with friends. My Leo-ness finds me disliking being ignored and not being treated like a king.
Since I find Mr. Brezsny so inspiring I thought he would help my new people to find me. Here are my favorite musing which I mashed together to help others to really get me:
“Know on a visceral level that consciousness is everywhere, in all things, in all creatures. Learn to commune with the myriad kinds of intelligence, not just the human variety. Love and respect and learn from all the animals. Seek communion with their intelligence.”
The Leo sign rules until August 22nd. That is when my magnetism is strongest, so I really feel like I need to be adopted by then, otherwise the feeling of no longer knowing which way to go could get a bit depressing. I want to know my new kingdom and love my new people. I just need my chance.
I asked my dear friend Cindy Jones to pose in this photo with me to demonstrate how loving and lovable I am. Cindy has been a volunteer for a very long time here at Second Chance, but I think she thinks I am pretty special. She works hard to keep me happy and healthy so that I am ready for a family of my own. I know she would be happy if I were to be adopted during Leo Season.
Mr. Brezsny says that all omens should be interpreted favorably. If you are reading this and feel the stars have appropriately aligned to bring me into your life forever, come meet me today.
I am lion; here me purr.
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