14 Feb Telluride Foundation: COVID-19 Fund & Good Neighbor Assist, Update!
The Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund provides cash assistance for critical human needs to families impacted by the pandemic. San Miguel County expanding its support.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund. Click HERE to make a donation or contact Katie Singer at (970) 729-1807 or katie@telluridefoundation.org.
For more information about community resources, go here.
For more info on COVIDCheck Colorado, go here.
Katie Singer’s Covid-19 Response Fund update follows.
Since March 2020, the Telluride Foundation has raised over $1.4M for the COVID-19 Response Fund, distributing over $1.25M in both emergency grants to health and human service organizations and Good Neighbor direct cash assistance to support 634 individuals and families living or working in San Miguel, Ouray, and western Montrose counties, and Rico.
At the end of 2020, thanks to many generous donors, we were able to meet the Johnson Family Foundation’s $50,000 challenge grant. Recently in 2021, we are very grateful to San Miguel County, which donated $45,000 to the Good Neighbor Fund to support cash assistance grants for its residents along with the previous $100,000 that it provided for mental health services.
We also received a $44,500 grant from the Rocky Mountain Health Foundation and a $7,500 grant from the San Miguel Power Association and the Basin Electric Power Cooperative to help replenish the Fund. These donations have helped us start off 2021 with funding, none too soon, as we continue to receive a steady increase of applications, including 12 just last week.
The Foundation wants to remind those who are receiving a stimulus check, and may be in the fortunate position of not needing this extra money, to please remember struggling neighbors and community members.
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