04 Dec T-Ride Foundation: Regional Nonprofits & Colorado Gives Day, Now – 12/9!
Telluride Foundation‘s web-based platform provides opportunity to support local organizations on Giving Day. Donors can find a nonprofit on www.coloradogives.org by searching name, zip code, and county and give directly to a cause. Giving is live now and ends at midnight on December 9, 2020.
To say the least this has been a tough year for many nonprofit organizations. Events have been canceled; buildings have been shuttered; donations have nose-dived. While many nonprofits on the front line of the pandemic have experienced overwhelming needs, such as food banks, others have had to pivot their operations to offer their services on-line, like many arts organizations. Colorado Gives is a way for you to give back to your community and support our hardworking regional nonprofits. Colorado Gives kicks off the holiday season and goes through December 9, 2020.
If you are part of the population who is still employed and can count your blessings, then the Foundation encourages you to consider giving back to your favorite organizations that could use your support now more than ever.
The Telluride Foundation has been supporting the good work of local nonprofits and their causes for 20 years and wants to connect community members with nonprofits’ stories, successes, and challenges. Each participating local nonprofit posts their story or an individual project that needs funding. Donors can go to www.coloradogives.org and select an organizations to fund and an amount to give; donors may give to a number of nonprofits or a single cause. One hundred percent of all donations go to charity (minus a processing fee charged by the credit card companies).
This year the Telluride Foundation is raising funds for its Good Neighbor financial assistance program, which supports families and individuals experiencing a financial crises, mostly due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. The program pays for critical basic necessities, such as rent, utilities, food, and medicine, has increased dramatically since the late summer. Due to continued high unemployment or under-employment and the demands on households with young families trying to balance work and online school, many cannot pay their rent, afford food, or provide the basic care their families need. Click here to support: https://www.coloradogives.org/telluride/overview.
KOTO Community Radio is promoting Colorado Gives and will be highlighting local participating nonprofits and broadcasting information and updates all day on Monday, December 7th.
“Colorado Gives Day is the perfect opportunity to listen, learn and be inspired. Every year, people representing nonprofits from all corners of the region join us to share stories about the incredible work they’re doing and the people they serve. It’s become one of our favorite days of programming at KOTO,” said Cara Pallone, Executive Director, KOTO Community Radio.
The Telluride Foundation has partnered with Colorado Gives in place of a local Telluride giving day, which it has hosted for the past eight years. The Foundation hopes that local participating nonprofits will benefit from Colorado Gives, which is a well-established giving platform that provides a greater reach, more media attention, and incentives for all participants.
“In past years, the local giving day has generated much generosity for the Telluride regional nonprofits. Colorado Gives will expand the opportunity for people to give and support the region,” said Paul Major, President & CEO of the Telluride Foundation. “We thank KOTO Community Radio for broadcasting Colorado Gives and for supporting our participating nonprofit organizations that enrich our lives every day.”
Telluride Foundation, more:
The Telluride Foundation exists to create a stronger Telluride and regional community through the promotion and support of philanthropy. 2020 marks 20 years of making more possible through the Telluride Foundation’s commitment to enrich the quality of life of the residents, visitors, and workforce of the Telluride region.
The Telluride Foundation is a nonprofit, apolitical community foundation that makes grants to nonprofits, owns and operates programs that meet emerging and unmet community needs, and makes investments. T
he Foundation approaches this work through the lens of its core values of inclusion, self-reliance, and innovation. Its work is funded through the generous support of individual donors as well as grants from state and national foundations. T
he Foundation hopes the community will join it in celebrating its 20th anniversary as it honors the nonprofits, donors, and community members who have all partnered together to achieve a significant positive impact on the region.
For more information click on www.telluridefoundation.org.
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