23 Dec Second Chance: Finding Solace in Solstice
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for over 26 years. Call 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about our Emergency Response, Community Medical, Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, or other services. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.
I watched the sun rise this morning. It was glorious, made more glorious because it is Solstice, the return of the Light. I closed my eyes as the light poured in, warming my heart (being homeless during the Holidays has been hard on my heart, my staff here at Second Chance are loving and kind but it is not the same as having a family of my own). Here I come world, my light has been re-lit.
The rising sun also reminded me of the fresh start I am being given and that we are all given every day. A chance to let go of the darkness that has entered our lives this past year and embrace the light. The word “solstice” is derived from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “sistere” (to stand). Thus the translation has been “the day the sun stands still” but I prefer “the day we stand in the light.”
However we may celebrate the return of light to our skies and lives I think it is also good to pause and honor the darkness that will give way to it. The dark parts of 2020 are indeed helping me to appreciate the light. The dark parts are why I am homeless, but the light led me here to Second Chance where I await (hopefully not too long) a new family, where I will bring more light into someone’s life and home.
My name is Buckeye, I am a 6-year-young female Chihuahua mix who is highly adept at cuddling and napping. And yes, a buckeye is also a mouth-watering peanut buttery chocolate holiday treat that is deliciously sweet like me and my favorite Holiday Poem, which I will close this Pet Column with…
“Twas the night before Dog-mas when all through the shelter not a puppy was yelping, our minds did not chatter. Our leashes were hung by our kennels with care, in hopes that St. Bernard would soon find us there. When outside the room there arose such a clatter, my ears perked right up to hear what was the matter.
When, what with my puppy-dog eyes did I see, but a splendid dog-sled, led by doggies like me, With a regal furred driver commanding, not stern. I yelped to the others, “That must be St. Bern!” As I pulled in my nose, and was turning around, through the door St. Bernard came in with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his tail, his wood cask adorned with an icing of hail. A bag of chew-toys he had brought in with him, and his mouth was turned up in what looked like a grin. A wink of his eye and a wag of his tail, we knew right away we’d have homes without fail.
He howled not a howl, but went straight to his deed, and took down our leashes that soon we would need. He threw open the door, and families stood there with children, all smiling, and much love to spare. He lept to his sled, to his team gave a call, and away they all flew as if chasing a ball. But I heard him exclaim as he chewed on a bone: “Happy Dog-mas to all and to all a Good Home!”
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