14 Sep Several West Coast Cities Have the World’s Worst Air
We curated this story from EcoWatch. Something to think about as Telluride locals hike under Colorado blue skies.

Image courtesy CBSnews
The wildfires raging across the West Coast have made the air quality so bad in several U.S. cities that they rank among the worst in the world. In fact, the air quality in Portland, Oregon was so bad on Sunday that it went off the charts when it passed 500 on an air quality index. Anything in the 300 to 500 range is hazardous to health, according to Oregon Live.
Those staggering numbers put Portland squarely in the number one position as having the world’s worst air quality.
“It’s as bad as a place can be,” said Dr. Jennifer Vines, a Multnomah County Health officer. Portland is in Multnomah County.
Other large cities on the West Coast also made the top 10, including Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles, which ranked third, sixth and eighth, respectively, according to the Los Angeles Times….
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