23 Sep Second Chance: Eye Boogers
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been serving San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for over 26 years. Call 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about our Emergency Response, Community Medical, Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, or other services. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.

So, eye boogers…Kind of a normal natural bodily function, but somehow makes you humans queasy. Would it help if I called it leaky lookers instead? Or I could stick to the more technical term “ocular discharge,” although somehow that almost sounds worse. Anyway, pet parents are worrying about an increase in this “activity” due to all the smoke in the air these past weeks, so I going to address this challenge.
There are various reasons, some normal and some not, for a pet’s eyes to leak and tear. Smoky air is certainly one good reason. Typically your pet’s eyes should not have much ocular discharge, but a small amount of clear discharge is fine (and clear eye discharge might look brown and slightly crusty when it dries . Sorry I know I am making you queasy again…).
However, if ever the product is green- or yellow-colored you should consult your veterinarian, as you should for squinting, red-looking eye(s), or persistent rubbing or pawing of the eye. Also keep in mind that some breeds of dogs with short noses and big eyes (like my cute little smushed face for instance) typically have slightly more eye leakage than others. Also of note, poodles and cocker spaniels are more prone to blocked tear ducts (which involves leakage spilling over the eye rims and running down the face).
The best thing you can do to help your pets as the smoke continues to hang about and irritate our eyes, (sinuses, lungs, moods, etc.) is use a soft, wet cloth to gently wipe away the discharge. While doing this you can softly croon Smokey Robinson’s “Baby, Baby Don’t Cry” because we pets love that kind of comforting adoration anytime.
About Me
My name is Charmin. Not like the toilet paper version of the name, but like, I am so charmin’. I am a bright 7-year-young Shih Tzu puppy mill survivor. Despite living a really crappy life, until now, I have decided to put it behind me and enjoy my brand new groovy life. I am a friendly, loving, and mildly energetic little girl who gets along great with other dogs.
The most important thing about me is that I am seeking my forever home. In fact I have been waiting seven long years for this opportunity. I truly never thought it would happen, but now I do believe it because since being rescued from the puppy mill it’s been nothing but good. So let it keep rolling!
As a potential adopter you should know that puppy mill survivors like me usually acquire a few medical conditions due to the horrible living conditions we are subjected to. But I am a fighter and don’t plan on letting anything get in the way of my new found freedom in getting to be a true dog, the kind of dog that gets to feel soft grass under my feet and run and play and cuddle and interact with people and feel sun on face my and the list just goes on!
Call my people here at Second Chance today to make an appointment to meet me.
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