24 Aug Original Thinkers: 2020 Online & (Limited) In-Person, 10/ 1-4!
Telluride-based Original Thinkers is a fresh and thoughtful ideas festival regularly scheduled for early October in Telluride. The weekend generally features 10 programs, each built around a particular idea explored through a compelling mix of speakers, films, performance, and art. The program typically delves into the human condition by focusing on the intersection of ideas and individual stories.
As Original Thinkers founder and ringleader David Holbrooke said last year about the event he founded: “There are deep and universal truths in our own lives that we know will resonate with anyone and when we find those stories and showcase them, they provide an indelible experience for an audience.”
The following is a note from Holbrooke about his hybrid 2020 event.

David Holbrooke, f0under/director/ringleader, Original Thinkers.
Dear Original Thinkers,
There is so much at stake on so many levels right now. We believe, now more than ever, that this remarkable moment in history calls for original thinking.
With the pandemic raging across the globe, daily attacks on our democracy becoming commonplace and the burgeoning Black Lives Matter movement, we feel it is essential to move forward with this year’s edition of Original Thinkers.
It has been a challenging six months for any live events and of course, Original Thinkers is no different. We have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is safe and sensible for OT in the time of COVID-19 and are working towards a hybrid festival that features a dynamic virtual program along with a limited in-person component.
Our lineup, which we will announce in the coming weeks, examines the seismic issues mentioned above and also delves into other areas where original thinking is thriving. Science and art, culture and community abound in our shows as do hope and optimism, both of which have been in short supply recently.
We will also be sharing our plan for the virtual version of Original Thinkers, which we hope will reach new audiences across the globe. As for the terrestrial component of the festival, that will take place in the Telluride Transfer Warehouse, a noble building with four walls, but no roof located in the center of town. If this interests you, please let us know by emailing us at info@originalthinkers.com as seating will be strictly limited in the interest of safety.
We are grateful for your support of what we are doing here at Original Thinkers. We look forward to offering some context and thoughtfulness in this profoundly confusing time. Please let us know if you have any questions or thoughts and we will be in touch soon.
In the meantime, stay strong and stay smart as there is so much for us all to do to build a world that works for everyone.
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