27 Mar Second Chance: Updates & Adoptables!
Contact Second Chance Humane Society at 970.626.2273 or online (adoptmountainpets.org) to learn how to receive services, adopt, volunteer, foster, or donate to programs and services. Also please let Second Chance know of any additional needs you are facing in keeping your pets as part of your families.
Second Chance Humane Society wants to thank the publishers of its weekly Pet Column for continuing to give us the opportunity to connect with our pet-loving communities during these challenging times. We know that platforms for disseminating information are more important than ever right now. As such, today’s column is geared to educate and support pet parents – but we tossed in an uplifting tale of two adorable, adoptable dogs.
There are some formidable challenges the animal welfare industry is facing right now, for example, animal rescues and shelters are reporting cases of people abandoning their companion animals at an alarming rate due to a fear that they are carriers of COVID-19. Thus the need for continued education…
Currently the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has found no evidence that companion animals can spread COVID-19 or that they might be a source of infection in the United States. Yes, pets can act as a “surface” just as people can, so when you are out walking your dog ask others not to touch or handle them, but otherwise pets do not pose a danger to your health.
We know many pet parents are facing serious financial constraints and are worried about providing food and care for their pets. Second Chance prioritizes keeping pets with their families. If you know anyone struggling with feeding their pets right now have them connect with us – we are working to build up our Pet Food Bank to serve greater numbers of pets in the coming weeks.
Additionally, we are supporting low-income families by providing non-emergency medical care such as free medical exams and low-cost vaccinations and micro-chipping. We are operating these appointment-only services using the same safety protocols that other local veterinarians are using – essentially curbside service. You stay in your car while your pet is brought in, treated and returned to your vehicle.
To prepare for situations involving family members suddenly unable to care for their pets we are building an emergency pet foster care database. Please contact us if you want to be added to the list. Keep in mind that with this system you have to be relatively flexible as to what kind of pet you will be fostering.
Meanwhile you can help out by making sure you and everyone you know has a plan in place for your pet’s care in the event that you are hospitalized or otherwise unable to provide care. If you are quarantined please keep your pets with you during that time. Pets thrive in the role of emotional support and companionship. Let them do their job.
Speaking of which, meet Miracle & Hugs…
Hi my name is Miracle. I am a 7-year-young Bichon puppy mill rescue. I am uber-attached to my BFF named Hug (6-year- young Bichon) and so my staff here at Second Chance are pretty committed to finding us a home together, which simply means double the adorableness. We have survived the grimness of the puppy mills together and now feel stronger in this new world when we are together.
We now think people are good and although we are still figuring out how to walk on leashes we think being outside is freaking the best thing ever. Whoever adopts us please have a secure outside yard so we can continue our outdoor sunbathing ritual. We think this whole coronavirus thing stinks but, given the life we survived, living in a home with people and outdoor access would be heaven and we will help you to remember that is the case.
PS – Second Chance is only doing adoptions by appointment at this time.
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