01 Jan Mountain Village: “Fiber to Premise,” Phase 1 Nearly Complete
The Mountain Village Broadband Department is pleased to announce that the first phase of the town’s fiber installation project is nearing completion. Four homes have been connected to the new network in the beta test area. To learn more about the fiber project, please visit www.townofmountainvillage.com/fiber.

3D illustration of a FTTH network for high broadband access over white background
In August of 2019, the Town of Mountain Village launched the “Fiber to the Premise” project, which is slated to deliver ultra-high-speed 1G internet to the exterior of each property in Mountain Village by the end of 2020.
Phase one of the project encompassed installing fiber underground in the Meadows and along Adams Ranch Road, and this phase is 70 percent complete. The installation work is performed by Lightworks Fiber & Consulting.
When the project was announced, a number of homes in the Meadows Boulders Prospect Plaza Shop Area were identified as beta test sites due to their proximity to the town’s network operations center. Four homes are now connected and enjoying a high-speed internet connection.
“We couldn’t be more excited about the hard work our broadband department has put into this project and the results they have achieved to date,” said Mountain Village Town Council Member Patrick Berry. “Reliable high-speed broadband access is crucial to Mountain Village business operations and guest experience. This project will cement that access once completed.”
Phase two will install the remaining fiber lines throughout the rest of Mountain Village and is expected to commence in spring 2020 when weather conditions permit.
Lightworks is slated to finish the underground fiber and conduit installation by the end of 2020, with homes being fully connected and lit up on the network in 2021.
The town and Lightworks are currently negotiating to further their partnership, with Lightworks doing the work to bring the network into each home. Customers should expect an installation fee schedule based on their property, and the town will be conducting property surveys to determine cost estimates.
“There’s a lot of work ahead,” said Mountain Village Chief Technology Officer Jim Soukup. “2020 is going to be very exciting and busy. The TMV broadband team is optimistic about the fiber network and then getting the network brought into each property.”
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