20 Nov Second Chance: Mystery of Mysterious Homeless Pet
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been servicing San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for 25 years. Call the Second Chance Helpline at 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, Feral Cat, or other services. View our shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.

Stray pets arrive at Second Chance Humane Society with a trail of mystery and intrigue tailing behind them. Is there a heartbroken person out there looking for this sweet little dog? Is there a child sitting at home waiting for this friendly cat to return? Did the family move and the pet went out looking for them? Was this bright-eyed, but tired floppy-eared dog abandoned or was he scared by a thunder storm and jumped his fence?
If the pet is micro-chipped or with a secure form of identification, or the parents make efforts to find him, answers are usually quick to follow. But often times the mystery remains forever unsolved. Some pets look as though they have been on their own for some time, while others appear fresh from the groomer, so it is all just guess work as to the circumstances that contributed to their “homeless” state.
We hear stories about cats who are found stuck in crates in the hull of a ship. They survived weeks at sea by licking condensation off the crate’s walls (true story) to greet their rescuers with a friendly meow or (another true story) two kittens who ended up perched on the undercarriage of a truck for 90 minutes and survived speeds of 60 mph only to lick the hands of their rescuers. Then there was the famous mother cat, “Hope,” who was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center after 9/11 : she had found a box of napkins in which to birth and nurse her three kittens.
Similarly, although we don’t know what kind of adventures our homeless pets have survived to get themselves safely to Second Chance, we know that is it not because they were “bad” and ended up on the streets. Typically it came down to some kind of human error for which the pets are more than ready to forgive. The point being pets typically do not wind up at shelters due to something they did wrong.
I suggest you discontinue wondering how a pet like me wound up homeless. Instead let’s just keep focused on finding us new loving families where we can start again and live love-filled lives, as is our desire and right – and hopefully our destiny.
About Me:
My name is Murphy McGillicutty. I am a very handsome five-month-old kitten. I arrived here with my five brothers when we were only two months old. It was not a great start to life, but I am not letting that stop me enjoying the dickens out of life now.
They call me the Lion King of Love and I exuberantly welcome all visitors at the Second Chance Cat Castle door.
If you stand by the door long enough I will even hop on your shoulders and purr into your face. It is simply my way of saying, “I love you – pick me, I love you – pick me!”
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