09 Oct Second Chance: Pick Up #2
Second Chance Humane Society’s Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops have been servicing San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties for 25 years. Call the Second Chance Helpline at 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, Feral Cat, or other services. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.

The other day I was walking down Main Street and some normal-looking dude stopped, defecated on the sidewalk, and walked away like nothing happened. I couldn’t believe my eyes – and his wife acted as though nothing even happened. So there was this stinking pile just left on the sidewalk all exposed and abandoned – waiting to be squashed by the shoe of an unknowing pedestrian. Needless to say it was all rather disturbing to witness.
The situation above was a dramatization of what it is like for others, and in particular non-dog parents and those who don’t really care for dogs – yes a few of those people do exist – to have to deal with irresponsible pet parents. People who allow their dogs to poop anywhere and everywhere – even if it is just occasionally when they think no one is watching, yes I am talking to you – are doing pets in general a great disservice.
Dog doo-doo is not good fertilizer and it does not just disappear in a few days. Dog droppings are a byproduct of the food people feed their pet and the garbage, cat poop, etc. dogs feed themselves. So, just like other impacts your dog makes on its environment, it is the responsibility of pet parents to properly manage it (or in this case dispose of).
If a dog accidentally knocks over a glass of water in a public area with its tail, most dog parents are going to clean that up. If a dogs leash trips someone in the street, most dog parents are going to help pick the person up. If a dog tracks muddy paws through a neighbor’s house, most dog parents will wipe it up. So why, pray tell, are the stink bombs not picked up?
I just suddenly realized that I have been using the word poop far too often for this family friendly and widely circulated educational and engaging Pet Column. I am not even sure if that word out is acceptable to say out loud. Let’s just use a code word instead? How about plain old “#2”?
Yes, I am a mere sweet little kitten with a lot to learn, but I do know this much: the less responsible pet parents are, the more it impacts pets worldwide. The more you allow the public to be turned off by the routine habits of innocents like me – the less pet adoptions occur and the more homeless kitties like me sit in the shelter…waiting… So the conclusion of my story: Pick up your dog’s #2. The gesture saves lives.
About me:
My name is Sugar (pronounced with a Southern twang). Mix that up with a little spice and make the perfect cuddly, playful little girl kitty. I love people and other cats and enjoy making sneak attacks on dogs. If you aren’t into picking up #2 on the sidewalk, I use a litter box but am even willing to learn to use the toilet. I am seven- months-young and particularly proud of my unique and lovely ear hair. Hope to meet you soon.
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