01 Aug Mudd Butts: “Arabian Nights, A Nod to Scheherazade,” 8/1-3!
The latest, greatest production of the Telluride Academy‘s 33rd annual Mudd Butts Mystery Drama Camp takes place Thursday, August 1 and Friday, August 2, 6 p.m., and Saturday, August 3, 5:30 p.m. at the Michael D. Palm Theater. Tickets $15 for adults; $5 for kiddos at the door.
For a history of the Mudd Butts, narrative and videos, go here.
Please scroll down to watch Clint Viebrock’s video of the cast in action.
The heart and soul of the Telluride Academy’s Mudd Butts Mystery Drama Camp, its guiding angels, are Sally Davis, a musician, theater director, performer and arts educator and Kim Epifano, an award-winning choreographer, director, performer, vocalist, educator. Sally and Kim have partners in crime, among them prop master/sculptor Mike Stasiuk; and co-writers Pamela Zoline and Clay Frohman. Collectively they are nothing if not topical.
As every year for the past three decades, the 33rd annual Mudd Butts’ “Arabian Nights: A Nod to Scheherazade,” celebrates art as an effective tool for promoting global awareness and advocating for social change.
The original“Arabian Nights” was a collection of stories drawn from a variety of sources: Arabia, Persia, Turkey, India, and China. The foundational tale, that of Scheherazade transforming the Sultan’s evil disposition through her bravura storytelling, is the oldest written work in the collection, recorded in Persia around 950 A.D.
Mudd Butts adopted and adapted that story in 2010 and set their production in the ancient city of Samarkand, now in Uzbekistan. Samarkand was established as an Islamic Center in the 10th century, located on the chief trade route between Baghdad and China.
This year’s remix of the “Arabian Nights,”opens in Telluride, where a young girl named Shari dreams of becoming a lawyer who can change the world for the better. When she finds a magic lamp and book in the Free Box her journey begins to unfold.
We soon meet Scheherazade, who heals the mad Sultan Sharyar of ancient Samarkand using her unique gift of gab. The tale goes on to illuminate issues of today including human rights and female empowerment, while also taking us back in time. The production includes spectacle, song, dance, music, and a terrific lineup of characters.
“Arabian Nights: A Nod to Scheherazade” is for all ages – and for the books since the show marks the end of an era. After August 3, a Big Show will no longer be the ultimate goal of the Mudd Butts experience. That said, while the way forward is not as yet cast in stone, it almost certainly will include the teaching of theater arts as life skills in a workshop format.
Stay tuned…

Still life with Arabian Princess, props, Mike Stasiuk.
Amelia Brooks
Phillip Brooks
Skylar Borof
Julian Burrus
Celia Chaffin
Matthew Charlton
Ruby Cieciuch
Julia Cieciuch
Henry Cohen
Ryan Colwell
Audrey Garner
Keller Gilliland
Sabrina Goldberg
Amy Guerrero
Marilyn Jones
Sofia Lanza
Madeline McNamara
Sophia McNamara
Christina Rabassa
Sonja Rikkers
Eleanor Rosen
Tirsa Sante
Hazel Strickland
Lola Uehlinger
Gabriel Waldor
Monica Zunzunegui

Arabian rat, courtesy, Mike Stasiuk.
Artistic directors: KIm Epifano and Sally Davis
Prop master: Michael Stasiuk
Theatre specialist/stage manager: Mary Higgins
Artistic and educational staff: Amy Donovan
Theatre and inclusion specialist: Liz Forsythe
Intern and advertising angel: Chloe Plumber
Prop and set assistance: Carly Hodes, Jane Goren, FIorella Coniglio, Brittany Miller
Costume crew: Trisha Clement, Kim Epifano, Sally Davis, Amy Donovan, Annika Zinn, Cindy Plumber, Kim Yates
Lighting designer: Tree Priest of Night Circus
Original script and music: Danny Duncan, Emily Klion and Maggie McKaig
Script adaptation: Sally Davis, Kim Epifono, Clay Frohman, Pamela Zoline, and the Mudd Butts
Musicians: Bart Hopkin, Clay Frohman, Sally Davis, Kim Epifano and the Mudd Butts
Technical and artistic support: Ashley Boling
Poster and program design: Barbara Kondracki
Photography: Brenda Colwell
Prop shop angels: We thank you all!
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