Second Chance: Paradise & More!

Second Chance: Paradise & More!

Second Chance Humane Society Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops service San Miguel, Ouray,
Montrose Counties. Call the SCHS Helpline at 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about the SCHS Spay/Neuter, volunteer, feral cat, or other programs. View our shelter
pets and services online:


Do opposites attract?  It appears that in my case they do.

My name is Paradise. My staff tells me that I am a beautiful teenage tortoiseshell kitty.

When I came to Second Chance I was a lonely and very scared stray wandering the streets of Ridgway. A very nice man found me and brought me to this wonderful place. The first thing I noticed when I arrived was that I had my very own staff of eager humans who wanted to feed, brush, and play with me.  I even have people who offer to love me and not get paid for it. I call them my volunteers.

I will admit when I arrived I was terrified and did not want to be touched or loved. I really thought I would just bide my time and escape out the door as soon as possible. I didn’t like living on my own, cold and hungry, but that was what I knew.  My staff kept talking about enrichment, being very patient with me. They moved me into what they called the adoption area so I could watch them all day. Soon I was given time to run around the house and explore for hours. That was great, but I was still a bit bratty and would get in a nip or scratch when they got in my way. I have a lot of energy, so they began to play with me regularly and encouraged me to exercise. There is nothing more fun than a laser pointer. Then they started to pet me now and then and I decided I sort of liked it. As time went on, I became less the “crazy cat” and more just the cat with a big personality!

Strangers, called Adopters, started visiting and many appear to really like me. My first friendships were beginning to develop – and with the scary humans no less. The more care and time my staff of people gave me the more “adoptable” I became. I stopped looking to run out the door and I am now ready go live with a person in a real home.

But that is not where my story ends.

My staff has worked tirelessly to introduce me to my own kind, assuming that if I can learn to like people I might be able to like other cats. Not so fast folks!  I will say that I love kittens, the little critters can climb on me, chew on my ears and they are super fun to play with. But grown cats, I am not sure of yet.

Now for the real proof that friendship can cross boundaries. I not only like people,but my staff figured out I might like dogs.They say I am very dog like.  And yes, it turns out I love dogs.  How is that for opposites attracting and friendship crossing boundaries?

There are a few canine types that hang out in the Cat Cottage now and then and I love to harass/play with them all day. One boy dog even lets me jump on his head, chase him around the house and cuddle up next to him when it’s time for a nap.

I ask my people to bring me new canines to meet and of course they obey.  They do what they call a “cat test” with new dogs who live at the Dog Den and I always volunteer.

Sadly, not all of the pups they bring enjoy my batting them in the face or wanting to jump on their backs. Elvis is one of those. He is a great example of a dog whom I am sure I could be great friends with, but right now he is just a scaredy cat and runs away from me.

Elvis is a three- years- old, a very handsome red heeler aka Australian Cattle Dog. I will win him over, but in the meantime he is hoping to find his own family.   heard him say he would love to have an active person who would like a 30-pound lap dog.  They say he is a goofball who is good with other dogs and adores humans.

So, while Elvis may prefer to live with humans and other dogs, I am hoping for a home with a cat-loving dog as well.

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